More Fixes

More people have been playing, and I noticed some bugs in their stream/videos.

Bug Fixes:

Split Screen:

Added a Mic Sensitivity Slider in options.

Just a Peep:

Opening the sliding door Distance increased at the end.......Just in case.


Choosing 2 symbols actually negated the watcher's attack. Which was funny, but no cheating allowed gosh darn it.


When the Hide event happens, if the player clicks on the screen, it disables you from typing. Fixed, but

Have not tested if it still works on multiscreens setups though.
Just don't click okay!

Other Small improvements.

Checkpoints were added in the halfway points as well on,
Repeat & Intermission


Hopefully I didn't break anything!
Bye bye!

Files 4.8 GB
Version 13 Feb 22, 2023

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