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nice experience, brazil here!

It was a wonderful experience. The audio is impressive, and many moments seem unique and unexpected.

Terrifying and definitely one of my favorites<3

Thank you for allowing me to play your game I rate it a 8.5 atmosphere was really good and some of the parts meant to scared you definitely got me. loved the voice acting  and the way you made things kinda blurry!



This was an amazing experience, I'd call it surreal analog art horror! The feeling was tense and the ending was perfect I hope to play more of your projects.

THE BEST INTRO MUSIC EVER! (3rd game)this game was fantastic, will be checking out more :) x

Seriously a good time for a horror game. Loved the vibe.

looks good ill post the gameplay on my YT channel not gonna link it here too many goofy thumbnails as it is 

This game had me SHOOKETH!!

Pov: You've been catfished

I actually really enjoyed this game, apart from the full on blurriness lol I think that was the only negative I had of the game. I really enjoyed the story, build up, and everything, but I just get sick off blurriness and motion so that's why 😂 either way I endured through it because I enjoyed the game so much 😊 I put this game in my 3 Scary Games series on YouTube and I think everyone enjoyed it as well 😁

Very well done! The atmosphere is perfect for a horror game. Stumbling around in the woods while barely able to see is terrifying and in this game you fully experience that. Highly recommend. Check the gameplay vid for full game! 


See no fear?!?! REALLY?? ALL I SAW WAS FEAR!!!!

Got stuck on invisible walls a lot, but I still really enjoyed it! Thanks for the game!

nice game.


This was definitely a 5 star experience! Good job dev, and I'll be waiting for your next Bite Size Terrors instalment!


Hair raising, omg. Even on a second play through to check out some more of the creatures I knew I missed, I could feel my heart race. It's been a long time since I felt such prolonged anxiety. What a fun experience, def checking out your other games. <3


The scares in this one got me pretty good. Good work

CHEFS KISS, short and scary I loved it


The fact that i didnt know where it was and if i was going to get jumped had me on the edge of my seat, very well done!

i would love to see this expanded into a full length game 2-3 hours long. It reminds me of the blair witch game, but it's totally something of it's own too. I would love to find out the truth of what happened to Rebecca, maybe in the search for it the protagonist loses himself and maybe even becomes on of those things.

This was terrifying! The idea of not being able to see properly too! The noises and the atmosphere in this game was horrifying! 
Here is my gameplay, with my feedback at the end! 

honestly a fantastic experience. I think the concept of unseen horror is the scariest. Really well executed. Here’s my playthrough! 


Nice horror game!!Soooo scary:(

Terrifaint !!! Super ambiance

Bon travail

3AM I’M TERRIFIED | Bite Size Terrors: see no FEAR


If you don't have glasses, you will be very anxious ...

I enjoyed fear!


Had a blast playing this! 

My girlfriend has definitely learned some new tricks.


I play a LOT of spooky games and this one is up there. Very good stuff, will be keeping my eye out for more Bite Size Terrors!

Amazing horror game that actually spooked me with the uncanny valley type of enemies, thank you for the experience :)

(1 edit)

Gameplay en ESPAÑOL.

Deleted post

It was an interesting experience, spooky, atmospheric, kept me engrossed till the very end. The blurriness was such a creative way to make the game even more unnerving and obscure, to keep up the suspense and make the creatures really creepy.


This game was actually pretty freaky, the blurriness made it so much more immersive! Hope to see more of these
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