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This game was really well put together and the voice acting was great too! Creepy crawlies galore!


I knew who the dev was as soon as I saw the menu and heard that music.

Everyone, do yourself a favor and buy Notebook Entries if you haven't yet. Overthinker, I hope you never stop making horror games.


hiii! I saw your name and knew you were from steam haa ;D thank you so much! 

Thank you so much for the support for this ,Notebook entries & kind words!

 hope you enjoy the next project!!!!


Hell yeah, I'll support you all the way man. :)

Love the way you create atmosphere and constant tension in your games. Especially stuff like SplitScreen in Notebook Entries, that was bone chilling.

Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll have many fans like me in no time. Good luck!


Nice creepy game! Love the bad eyesight effect.


This was such a creepy game and I love the look of it. Keep up the great work!


Comments below clip:

Stumbling through the darkness of an eerie forest, finding a house was expected to bring some sort of solace. But, this being a horror game, it doesn't. In fact, it goes from bad to worse. How, you may ask...? Well, watch the darn clip to find out!

Didn't run into any bugs. hiccups or errors. Kudos to all involved!


DUDE Once you get to the house I lost my marbles… this game is TERRIFYING


I've played over 1,000 indie horror games in the past 4 years. Only a fraction of them were able to get the reaction out of me that this game got. Seriously intense atmosphere, chilling sound and monster design, and the animation for the monster's movements were jarring and disturbing in the best way possible. If this is the first in a series of short horror experiences to come, then I am immeasurably excited to see what else you create. This was truly fantastic.


Please check out my channel KAPOWZY and let me know its you in the comments!


another banger.  Loved it! can't wait to post the game-play later!  The sound design, the story line, the raised stakes all in a short window of time...the voice acting! Thanks so much!  Definitely one of my favorite indie creators out there.  :)

Quinnnnn!! Hii :) nice seeing you here ! 

Dang well thank you so much! I hope I don't disappoint :O


This IS Hands Down The Scariest Game I've Played This Year Heck Maybe Even Ever I've Never Played A Game That Made Me Inch Off my Seat Like This One Did Absolute 10/10 From Me! Cant Wait To See What You Do Next ~Wang 


Very well designed short horror game. Keep it up looking forward to more... 


so scary


Very creepy, Loved all the subtle spooks. Things like that build the tension so well

This reminded me alot of blair witch in the woods area, very effective short horror 

Full Play NO Commentary 



Honestly this was probably one of the most effective horror games i have played in such a long time your use of atmosphere was fantastic, the way all sound just cut out as you entered the house, genuinely you could cut the tension with a knife, the voice acting was so convincing aswel for such a small project like that's some Oscar worthy sh*t there haha, and the visuals were really realistic and terrifying, this was 10/10 foir me and if this is the first in a long time of the bite size terror series im gonna be a happy man! fantastic work!


honestly, this game FREAKED me out!


This was really good. The creepy sounds, the mysterious creature, the house. I loved this game and felt like it had everything a good horror games needed. Great job! Check out the video for a creepy, spooky game!

Short horror best horror )


It's a nice short game with a great atmosphere. IMO, I wish the pc walked alittle bit faster, but I can understand why he's hobbling. Keep it up devs.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.


Absolutely TERRIFYING. Please, never stop making games!


Bite Size Terrors: see no FEAR is an atmospheric and short horror game that is very scary and bizarre at the same time, the atmosphere is totally well done, the game's setting being presented in a cold and direct way. oh my god what game is this. I want to see this on Mobile!

Review 9.8/10


Great atmospheric game. 







Enjoyed it a lot! Probably the most well made and actually spooky game I've played so far on my channel. Keep up the great work, I'd love to see more in the line of "bite sized terror". :)

(3 edits) (+1)(-1)

This was really well made, compared to most this was really good especially with the atmosphere, graphics, sounds, etc. Really would like to see more of these from you if Possible. Made a video on it.


I normally just say great job awesome short horror game in these type of posts. This was like finding a diamond in the rough. I never expected to find such a fantastic horror game randomly. I really hope you continue to make more of these Bite Sized Horror games because you did such a great job at the scares and the tension the entire time! Amazing job! If you're reading this then play this game. Looking forward to seeing what you make next!


Thank you! My last game Notebook Entries was also stated to be a diamond in the rough. So thank you! I hope you support the weird horror games incoming!


INCREDIBLY WELL DONE! Only a matter of time before this is #1 on Itchio top page! There was one part that seemed a little cloudly in which I didn't know what was going on (Left a note for the dev in the end of the video) but that didn't ruin this MASTERPIECE! WORTH THE PLAY!!

(1 edit)

Thank youuuuu, I saw what happened. If you were farther from the table just by a lil bit, you would've seen something, I fixed it, Ima upload the new version soon. much appreciated!!!!


I really enjoyed the creature is it the crawler from the radio speak of? They look like human yet move so stiff and uncanny that trigger my mind to think this is the furthest thing of a human creature and feel like they play with their prey moving in the shadow and lead people for it to devour. Lovely build up and experience overall.

wow, you nailed yes! I made them curious creatures that basically lured you in haa 

Uncanny is something I've been playing with, with my games, the weird and unusual is my favorite type of horror :)


I love your games dude, I played your others on my channel MOGAIMZ def playing this one too.

yaaaaa I remember you :) haha I hope all is well and thank you, I hope you support my way of thinking in games and future endeavors ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ


I really enjoyed the game. I have a potato laptop tho so i had to play on minimum graphics, however the game still looked fine. I sometimes got lost, i saw other people mention the looking under the table took them a second. I think this was a fun little horror game it was definitely worth subscribing to you to see the trailer.

:)) sweet hehe


love it thank you 


The atmosphere and scares in this one were great, good work :)


Never saw this coming. Amazing Experience 5/5


While there were a few rough patches,and the game feeling a bit janky at times, overall I really enjoyed it. The unique gameplay mechanics kept me engaged and I found myself fully immersed in the experience. I'm excited to see what the developer have in store.


 cool game

nice enjoyed it


Good game




Great Game!

My only complaints are:

- I got kind of lost and went back to the car a few times, so the game took 20 minutes.

- Some parts were very confusing on what to do (Looking under the table for example)

- It was a little janky, and the stiletto seemed to have way to many steps for how slow you go in the game.

Otherwise, I absolutely loved it. I can't wait to see what you cook up next!

(3 edits)

I agree on getting lost it. I thought of ways to help, trails, lights, etc but to me it seemed to remove the atmosphere or remove the sense of immersion, but hey I'll think of something next time right haa

i added a barrier or 2 when you pass a certain point so you don't run back. :)

You were in a car crash, in the beginning the steps are fine. When you run your camera goes diagonally cause you to limping harder, which why a 3 step sound/effect is included :)

I appreciate the criticism :D hehe nice seeing you here glass man!

Of course, I love your stuff. Not trying to be overly critical just constructive.


A slow build up to a monstrous ending and perfect horror!

This is not a regular horror game or even "a walking simulator", rather an intense and atmosphere fueled psychological game. I enjoyed my experience with this. Mainly, the sound design elevated the dark and creepy forest. The subtle jump scares and raw details in the game - Chef's Kiss. 

It was truly an immersive experience with a twisted and dark ending. Fantastic job on the game. 

Best of luck with the future developments. Cheers!   

Thank you!!!!!! :)))))



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